Hui is a talented bakery chef and motivated woman who seeks my help for creating and exploring the brand expression for her business. She is starting her bakery business after being certificated with Le Cordon Bleu in France. Her bakery would be serving French style cakes at premium quality and price. Her brand needs to show her dedicated personality, her high-end quality and minimalism bakery visual style. The tools that she uses the most are whisks and spatula. Based on the above knowledge and understanding of her bakery products, I started exploring the logo designs as the first step.
Understanding needs of the client, a chef & bakery business owner
Logo explorations

Final design and business cards

Applications on brand visuals

E-commerce setup for Hui's online business

In December 2019, I continued to help Hui establish her online existence. Her business was growing into a state where offline ordering is not sufficient enough. To further establish her brand, I created this website to set the tone for her bakery philosophy (in both English and Mandarin), tell her personal story, showcase her techniques and allow online-ordering. Please check out the live site at (latest update: Jan 2020).